For all the travel lovers that have found their way to my website by way of referral or late nights searching the world wide web, welcome! Nice to meet you! For everyone that I already know, I also seek to answer your questions.. Wait! I thought you were a Yale grad, Wall Street trading, residential real estate selling, mama of 4?! How on Earth are you starting a business as a luxury travel advisor?
Serendipity, my friends, is a super interesting thing.
I’ll admit it. I had never used a travel advisor in my entire life prior to 2021 – not my 2 honeymoons, holidays in Australia and New Zealand, nor myriad travels elsewhere. These were all “proudly” planned on my own. Why? 1) I enjoyed it, and still do (obviously). 2) I exist in a state of perpetually planning my next trip. My wheels turn FAST; would I really bring a third party into this process? 3) I didn’t have the faintest idea how much VALUE the right luxury travel advisor could offer.

So why the big change and how did this happen?
We are typically social travelers. Our first time getting back out in 2020? December, Florida, bouncing around some of our favorite resorts and home rentals. Well, we made friends with other avid family travelers and over a few fire-pit cocktails, I was asked – who is your travel advisor? “Ummmm, me?” I replied. His response, you are doing it all wrong and here’s why. I was extremely intrigued at the value an advisor could add most especially in this new age of travel we are facing. Within a few months, I had gotten to know his advisor, now colleague at Brownell, engaged with the company, written a business plan, and jumped in with both feet so to speak. Trainings, conferences, innumerable meetings with the top luxury travel suppliers from around the world to follow (on repeat!)…
All as we were surviving year two of a global pandemic.
Fast forward just under 6 months from my official start date, my early clients, let’s call them the Menzies Luxe Retreats insiders, have entrusted me to plan over $1,000,000 of leisure travel (!) It has been so satisfying to watch clients travel more enjoyably and seamlessly than they ever thought they could. I love connecting travel aspirations with the perfect location and experience. I love watching my suppliers beat clients’ expectations with upgrades and personalized surprise and delight moments, thanks to my clear communication of their preferences.
So, yea. So far, so good.
As far as the value proposition to you, the luxury traveler… oh, it’s huge.

The Tangibles:
- Cruise around my website to my Partners page to view the specific amenities I can offer you on a hotel stay with all the household luxury brand names. Most often it is a daily complimentary breakfast, a $100 resort credit, and upgrades. I may at times be able to unlock better rates than offered direct to consumer or negotiate a more flexible cancellation policy. These items add up to real dollars.
- Your time. Yes, this is your most precious asset. My access to insider knowledge and familiarity with rates can save you dozens of hours down the internet rabbit hole. Or even more important, prevent you from wasting your time (and money) on a B- vacation.
The Intangibles:
- You can’t VIP yourself. My daily contact with my preferred hotel partners elevates my communication in rank order when it comes to upgrades.
- Early arrival with the kids? Likewise, these partnerships prioritize Menzies Luxe Retreats check in and check out times (Yes, well above Amex. Just ask my clients). Can’t put a dollar value on getting the babe down for a nap in a room after a tough flight.
- I am living and breathing travel at all times, and work with the best in the business. With this comes the anticipatory instinct to identify potential bumps in the road before they become a problem. Things that may not even come to mind for the leisure traveler.
- Group celebratory or family travel? I’m here to help stay organized, on task, streamline, and manage the varying expectations of the group (no two people or families have the same travel style – maybe I’ll dedicate a post to that).
I hope to use this blog to share nuggets and morsels of valuable information relevant to the luxury travel experience. Hotel reviews, anticipated openings, booking tips based on seasonality, and a sprinkle of my family travel adventures here and there – Disney magic included.

I sure hope you will follow along. And if you are ready to bring (sexy) travel back and make it better than ever, I’d love to connect with you!